Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid

Etruscan Etruscan Iron Trail * 22-26 June 2011

Etruscan Trail, along the ancient iron
(a trek and a non-competitive race along the way that 2500 years ago, linking the two cities
Etruscan Prato and Marzabotto through the Apennines, 86 km to go from 2 to 5 days on foot, even with the technique of Nordic walking).
The event will be the number 0 on a trek repeatable over time (see Marcialonga winter) sports and cultural connotations that has inspired the philosophy of slow motion and walking to get to know.

Etruscan Trail trekking - Dates:
A) 22 - 23 - 24 -25 -26 June 2011 (for those who make regular treks into four stages and a half and have a guide who knows the way.
Guides: Gianfranco Bracci - Marco Talking
- Sergio Gardini.)
B) June 25 to 26 (for those who want to join the group of walkers to make only the last two stages of the path from Futa to Marzabotto. In this case the usual guides can take advantage of the first group to which will join the Futa Pass).
The stages and their length:
1) Etruscan city of Gonfienti (Prato) - San Piero a Sieve: Km 26 - 7:00 am
2) San Piero a Sieve - Futa Pass - 21.5 miles - ore 7,15
3) Passo Futa - Madonna dei Fornelli - Km 15 - ore 5,00
4) Madonna ei Fornelli – Monte Sole – Km 18 – ore 5,00
5) Monte Sole - Marzabotto – Km 4,5 – ore 2,00
Per un totale di circa 86 Km

Il giorno dell'arrivo a Marzabotto, in collaborazione con la manifestazione Kainua di Marzabotto (piatti etruschi-danze-arte-cultura ispirata a quel periodo) verranno organizzati vari eventi ispirati agli etruschi fra i quali:

- una visita guidata degli scavi e del museo archeologico con l'archeologo Claudio Calastri e la Direttrice del museo Paola Desantis;
- una “tavola rotonda” which should participate in important archaeologists and university professors. This will be the President of the "Via Etrusca Iron" Prof. Alberto Giuseppe Centauro,
- a lunch with specialty Etruscan
- testimonial event will be the famous writer Danila Comastri Montanari.

All institutions (municipalities, provinces, regions, parks and mountain communities) that exists along the entire path
, are welcome.
Etruscan Trail running:
Event event, a group of international runners and walkers will tackle the 86 km (two marathons in a row) of the entire route in just 2 days. The participants in the eco-trail ride will be rewarded with a non-competitive award Sciliace Iron Trail. " Organized by the most important associations
Running Tuscany and Emilia.
The race will be semi-self-sufficiency idroalimentare, the organization will manage the supply of places in which competitors may find food and beverages. Nowhere Refreshments will be available in plastic glasses to drink the runners should be in possession of glass or other container suitable for personal use, each rider will have to make sure you have, at the start of every place to eat, the minimum amount of water material provided as required and that will be needed to get
in the next place to eat.
Walkers and runners will be able to book a luggage service and booking rooms and / or ready to sleep in tents with full board (breakfast-dinner basket). But
will also be free to organize themselves.

will request a fee yet to be quantified.
counsel (for now): Comune di Prato - City of Marzabotto - Kainua - Association Via Etruscan iron "- Appenninoslow - Trail Association Italy
An official event of the ANW: Nordic Walking Association of Italy ( www.anwi.it )

Gianfranco Bracci Info: phone: 0039/339/1181536 - http://laviadelferro.blogspot.com/ -

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Canadian License Number Generator

Save the testimonials of our past - one of Doc 11/01/2011
Association "Etrusca Via del Ferro" unanimously endorses the appeal of the associate prof . Michelangelo Zecchini and prof. Francesco Mallegni to save the "corpse" of Frizzoni guilty of neglect in which they were left.

Claudio Calastri
Giuseppe A. Centauro
Fiorenzo Gei
Stefano Lorenzi
Alessandro Martini
Marco Parlanti
Mariano Puxeddu
Dante Simoncini
Roberto Tazioli
Nel 2006 e nel 2007, nel corso di un intervento „preventivo‟ effettuato dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana e da Autostrade per l‟Italia in occasione del costruendo casello autostradale del Frizzone, presso Capannori, è affiorata una vasta e importante area archeologica di epoca tardorepubblicana, in cui spiccano un edificio ligneo, che rappresenta un unicum; resti di viti e di un calcatorium per la produzione del vino; una serie di fossati rituali (bóthroi) filled with fragments of amphorae and pottery, a complex of worship graves of babies, a skeleton of an adult animal (Canis familiaris L.1758), largely intact, buried in a mass grave in an elliptical perhaps with magical purposes propitiatory; a beautiful terracotta Architectural depicting Dionysus on dolphin, several fragments of the trunk and branches of various tree species including Quercus robur L.. At the time
For the democratic development of archeology that enables the comparison and testing of research hypotheses through the free exchange of ideas.
This is the purpose of the "The Way of the Etruscan Iron" that intends to commit its resources to disseminate and promote participation in the study and knowledge of our past.
excavation findings and those others even more fragile (seeds, leaves, insects) are in excellent condition thanks to "protective effect of clayey silt, the result of several floods of the river Serchio, the" ancient Auser. One would have expected that after the first stage of protection in the field, as was the appropriate time comes to preserving, which was to give the correct priority to safety (consolidation and quant 'other) findings of highly perishable .. Apparently, it did not happen that way. . Here's what they think two well-known scholars.
Michelangelo Zecchini, archaeologist, Academy Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere e Arti: “Perché si è privilegiato il restauro dei „cocci‟ escludendo quei fragilissimi scheletrini?”
“Erano i primi giorni del novembre 2006 quando finimmo di scavare al Frizzone di Capannori quegli scheletrini tanto delicati che sembravano soccombere perfino ai morbidi tocchi di spazzolino. Ci accorgemmo subito del loro elevato valore scientifico: allineati lungo il lato occidentale di un edificio di pietra (sacello?), quei piccoli esseri lunghi appena 45-50 cm (neonati o non ancora nati?), accoccolati come se stessero ancora nel grembo materno, ci facevano entrare nell‟intimo della sfera religiosa e cultuale di circa 2150 anni fa. Riti di fondazione? Orrendi sacrifici human? Children sacrificed to a cruel god? Or rather, creatures that died of natural causes, were offered to a god for a better life in "Beyond? However things were, the "baby" of Frizzoni could make a vital contribution to the knowledge of a fascinating aspect of our past. The writer hoped that, given their importance, after excavation were immediately entrusted to the care of paleoanthropologists. But it did not.
Four years have passed from the moment the skeletons were hospitalized in the store "Cavanis" Porcari, managed by Julius Ciampoltrini, an official of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany. From his statements pubbliche si apprende con sorpresa e sgomento che ancora non ha fatto restaurare quelle esili ossa. La giustificazione è che mancano i soldi. Ma è fuor di dubbio che i soldi ci sono stati, e nemmeno pochi, giacché i reperti del Frizzone, per tramite del Comune di Capannori, hanno beneficiato di un sostanzioso finanziamento da parte di una Fondazione bancaria. Evidentemente, si è preferito utilizzarlo in toto per scopi (restauro di „cocci‟, un convegno locale …) che attraggono interrogativi amari: si trattava di oggetti e atti connotati da un pregio archeologico tanto alto da assorbire ogni contributo economico? Gli uni e gli altri si qualificavano come bisognosi di attenzioni talmente impellenti da relegare in sott‟ordine those fragile skeletons, which if not treated promptly, they ran (and run) the danger of dying forever? Interventions that were exclusive to oust the "dead child, for whose salvation would have been sufficient a few cents (a few hundred to 45 thousand euro), a financial commitment that is far less than that used for washing and restoration of pottery?
Adopting terminology from emergency room, not there "is no doubt that the" corpse ", being at high risk of perishability, are classified themselves as artifacts from code red. Why, despite having the necessary tools (money and experienced more than willing), who had a duty not intervenuto d‟urgenza? Sarebbe opportuno, a questo punto, che i resti ossei infantili fossero esaminati da professori di paleoantropologia al fine di accertare le loro attuali condizioni. Con la flebile aspettativa che risultino esenti da deterioramenti irreversibili e, se così fosse, con la pia speranza che gli ulteriori 45.000 euro (già finanziati) non vengano anch‟essi totalmente adibiti ad abluzioni di cocci et similia”.
Terracotta architettonica, 150 a.C.
Francesco Mallegni, professore ordinario di Antropologia presso l‟ Università di Pisa: “Sono sconcertato, quei „morticini‟ rappresentano un archivio biologico”
“Come docente di paleoantropologia da una life (1968-2010) I was shocked in the "learn what is happening to the" corpse "of the Roman period found at Frizzoni (Capannori) at the foundations of a building, perhaps dedicated to Dionysus. I would have expected that, immediately after the excavation, were assigned to one or more specialists. Instead, it seems, have been abandoned for years in a warehouse of archaeological materials, awaiting restoration and a subsequent study, and are likely to discard, and then disappear forever. Were discovered and excavated with infinite skill and patience (this type of material is very fragile) by prof. Michelangelo Zecchini and his team. Labours throw? Probably not, because these findings (Or what's left) can still be restored, replenished with a grain of salt, and finally studied.
Their importance is enormous as they may have in the context in which they were found in place of the values \u200b\u200bassociated with extraordinary sacrifices (?), Beliefs in the realm of the sacred (?), And other diseases when it was put in a position to operate on them. I never got tired of stress to my students and pupils - and especially the archaeologists who found them - as human skeletons represent a "biological stock" which can detect not only the sex el "age at death of the buried but also the stature, on the characteristics of "ethnos and to which they belonged, through their residual DNA, the relationships, disease, and why not, by rebuilding their ancient semblance physiognomy starting from their skull. We can not fail to mention the type of power (economic or societal interest which belonged to the mother if they are newborns or fetuses to term) through the research at the atomic absorption spectrometer or mass spectrometry of trace elements in bones, guides paleonutrizione .
why I apply to the study of infants Frizzoni, possessing the immodestly "experience in the field, but also the tools to achieve it in a laboratory in which I direct," University of Pisa or the Museum of Archaeology and of "Man of Viareggio, in some time I was appointed director. My team would be ready and spending a very small, given the limited number of exhibits. "