Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chipsets Compatible Airpcap

Menu Triumphal Way 200 - New Year's 2011 New Year's 2011

Fans pasta crepes with mushrooms and saffron -

Moscardini stew with bread crouton on velvety chickpea
Carnaroli rice with pumpkin and spek to creamed cheese -
Trofie water and flour with calamari and pesto sauce -
Sliced \u200b\u200bbeef with vegetables and red wine sauce, accompanied by
potatoes scented with fresh rosemary -
pyramid of chocolate with hazelnut brittle on the heart of chocolate biscuit -
Brindisi Prosecco di Valdobbiadene -
White wine: Pinot Grigio
Red wine: Nero d'Avola
Midnight: Sausage and lentils
Water and wine and coffee, including

Lyrical Modern Dance Costumes

away triumphant, 200

Monday, December 20, 2010

Biggest Size Curling Iron

Year 2010 via triumphant, 200

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Old Is Bow Wow 2010

December 4, 2010 - The Gardens of Santa Rosalia is risen

A piece of the city has changed.

It is just 15 m². Sufficient area to hear live and our track button in the heart of the historic center of Palermo. The garden of Santa Rosalia is a flowerbed in the middle of Ballarò, in Gian Luca Barbieri, next to Rosciglione Cannoli Factory, for instance. Rather than create it was enough last Saturday to revive it little by little heaps of garbage (tires, cages for birds, broken mirrors, boxes, unrecognizable objects because in advanced decomposition).
Last summer in this small space, "green" action Albergherilla had already taken place: there had been transplanted a banana, a prickly pear and a cicas. The first continues to grow undisturbed, since staying in presidential suite garden tub about three feet from the level reached by car. We were all thinking, rather, for the survival of cicas, when we decided to take up hoes and rakes to make it breathe and bring a little 'company. In bed rinata sono atterrati, così, quattro pitosfori, un lillà, un tiglio, un fico d’India, diverse piante grasse, una spina santa e una lantana (questi due piombati qui direttamente dal salone di un vicino le cui finestre affacciano sul giardino) e, visto che si avvicina Natale, anche un’ Euphorbia pulcherrima, un punto rosso in mezzo al marrone scuro della terra appena dissodata.
È stata proprio la terra a sorprenderci: sotto i cumuli di munnizza e le erbacce dilaganti, cresceva il sospetto che ne avremmo trovata ben poca. Qualcuno si era anche offerto di portare della terra buona dalla campagna. Non è stato necessario: in mezzo alle zolle fresche di aratura cercavano di mettersi in salvo ciurme di lombrichi, spie della presenza di un humus tutto salutare. 
Per impedire alla parte più esterna del giardino di essere arrotata dall’ennesima macchina in cerca di posteggio si è provveduto a installare un muretto a base di tufo proveniente dal vicino palazzo, la cui unica parete superstite era crollata il mese scorso. Sotto lo sguardo sornione degli operai del cantiere (aperto appena due giorni fa dopo mesi di oblio), una carriola con la ruota bucata ha sopportato diverse andate e ritorni carica di pietre e vecchie mattonelle decorate.
Non ci siamo dimenticati nemmeno della suite che abbiamo provveduto a Thinning and then revive with useful plants and scented, including sage, rosemary and mint. There are only beans for neighbors who want to tap into it to cook a good soup.
There were no musicians, awed by the rain (which we were going to sell), and the schoolchildren, "Nuccio", botanists skilled as us, we'd call to action. But in the last half hour there were those who, thanks to the arrival of Neapolitan songs, launched in the air hoe and spade to launch into a frenzied dance. And among the children of the neighborhood, the little David has done in four planting and digging with devotion, while others have approached to bite into a slice of lemon cake.
Eventually, the well-raked soil, the basins around the plants, the wall in plain view, just missing her. The patron saint of Palermo and all its contradictions: Santa Rosalia. Small but powerful, from Saturday Santuzza stands and watches the whole garden. The only ones who can walk on the lawn are the cats, with the arrival of the evening, gather around her and scurry through the trees to the nose alert.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Unbearable Pelvic And Back Pain

international archaeologists and scholars spoke on the 'Via di San Filippo'

LUCCA, Dec. 1 - A scientific debate is often destined to remain closed between the walls of the universities. Sometimes, however, goes out and becomes food for thought for all. That is what is happening on the discovery of the so-called 'Via di San Filippo'. Scholars and archaeologists, not only Italian, wrote an open letter to understand something more on this path and, above all, why not talk about it anymore.
"In 2004 the Frizzoni Capannori - say the signatories of the letter - was brought to light a large tract of an Etruscan road dating back to 500 a. C. or shortly thereafter. The findings, just as spectacular, the contemporary Etruscan town of Prato Gonfienti at a crossroads and Etruscan Bologna, other data have led to the hypothesis that crossed the plain of Lucca was 2500 years ago by the legendary artery of the two seas (Tyrrhenian -Adriatic), which, however, hints are likely to Pseudo-Scylax (the plug can be reached from the city of Pisa in three days' journey). "
continues by saying that 'E' anche per questo che la scoperta a S. Filippo, alle porte di Lucca, di un altro ‘pezzo’ di una larghissima strada etrusca risalente ad “almeno 2400 anni”, ha lasciato tutti a bocca aperta suscitando interesse nella comunità scientifica internazionale e nell’opinione pubblica. La notizia di stampa è del 10 aprile 2010. Elisabetta Abela, coordinatrice degli scavi, l’ha sottolineata in termini entusiastici: “Posso confermare che questo ritrovamento è di epoca etrusca…E’ chiaro che vogliamo saperne di più sia sulla datazione esatta sia sulla funzione di questa imponente strada”. Altrettanto soddisfatto è apparso il dottor Giulio Ciampoltrini della soprintendenza per i beni archeologici Tuscany: "The archaeologists have made a good catch" - he explained - "it is true that the substance of this job is to get digging with smart people." Although puzzled about the size of the article ("ten feet plus another 6 for each side: 22 meters across), the scholar, however, it has basically maintained the function (a" track ") and history (" certainly pre-Roman ")."
"Then, from April to now, no details - even the petitioners say - no resizing by those in charge of the excavations. So it remained valid and unchanged news-bomb: "A S. Philip back to the north-south light of 2400 years ago. An Etruscan road in the new hospital. Showed an impressive track 22 meters wide, consisting of pebbles, gravel and sand. " One can not help but be fascinated and at the same time, a little puzzled: twenty-two feet wide! Almost four times larger than the path of Frizzoni! Notice étourdissante, they say in France, in the sense that it leaves you stunned as upset all knowledge. Consider that the 'Appia Antica,' Queen viarum ', compared to Etruscan Lucca / S. Philip is a path. "
"In this dazzling fire - Archaeologists and scholars contend - has dropped a heavy blanket of silence. Really Ciampoltrini inexplicable when one considers that a decision had declared that it would not happen "as Frizzoni where everything seems to fall into oblivion." So many, including the undersigned, ask the reasons for this new 'forgotten'. What happened? Why S. Philip has been relegated to oblivion an amazing archaeological discovery, which honors those who have made and gives prestige to Lucca? The silences and shadows, you know, fuel the arguments of those who doubt. For some time, in fact, it is rumored that the road to S. Filippo there has ever been, nor mega nor parva, least of all in pre-Roman or Etruscan. Knowing the players in the sensational discovery, we refuse to believe it. But at the same time, in the name of clarity and transparency, which constitute a legal obligation both to the scientific world and toward citizens who have paid the excavations, we invite Ciampoltrini Abela and to provide public elements and details to support their interpretation. " Dr.
. Michelangelo Zecchini, archaeologist, Lucca
Prof. Giuseppe Centauro, architect, University of Florence
Prof. Stéphane Toussaint, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
Prof. Michel-Yves Perrin, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris.
Dr. Monique Le Bel, a journalist, Lucca
Prof. Francesco Mallegni, Professor of Anthropology, University Pisa
Mrakic Dr. Alexander, an architect, the Italian Cooperation Cultural Heritage, Jerusalem
Prof. Gianfranco Bracci, lecturer and author, Dr. Florence
Louise Chagnon, Montreal, Canada
Mr. Jean-Baptiste Toussaint, a university student, Lucca
Dr. Mauro Annese, geologist, International Studies Institute of Humankind, Florence
Dr. Daniele Venturini, an archaeologist, Ph.D. in Restoration, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Prof. Alessandro Magini, Professor, National Academy of Dramatic Art, Rome
Dr. Claudia Hasslinger, opera singer, Florence
Dr. Marc-André Boudreau, geologist, Montreal, Canada
Ms. Yseult Theraulaz, giornalista, Losanna, Svizzera
Dott. Claude Le Bel, psicologo, Magog, Canada
Prof. Mino Gabriele, docente, Università di Udine
Prof.ssa Flora Bianchini, docente, Lucca
Dott.ssa Valentina Conticelli, Firenze
Dott. Réjean Le Bel, notaio, Chambly, Canada
Sig.ra Yolande Le Bel, Saint-Hubert, Canada
Prof.ssa Teresa Tosi, docente, Lucca
Sig.Gianfranco Bandini, Lucca
Prof.ssa Isabella Giammattei, docente, Lucca
Sig. Claudio Paladini, Lucca
Prof. Pilade Ciardetti, preside, Lucca
Prof.ssa Ilia Menicucci, docente, Lucca
Sig. Giorgio Gabriele, studente, Firenze
Sig. Stefano Lorenzi, direttore AppenninoSlow, Monghidoro, Bologna
Sig. Marco Parlanti, scrittore, Montecatini Terme
Sig. Luca Ubaldo Cascinu, operatore archeologo, Porcari, Lucca
Prof.ssa Margherita Pace, docente, Lucca
Dott.ssa Ornella Migliori, docente, Lucca
Sig.ra Francesca Lombardi, Lucca
Sig.ra Lucia Dianda, studentessa universitaria, Lucca
Dott.ssa Elena Lombardi, Lucca
Sig.ra Silvia Dianda, studentessa universitaria, Lucca
Sig. Antonio Lera, studente universitario, Lucca
Sig.ra Gabriella Lencioni, Lucca
for supremacy in the area.
After the 'rags' that Abela gave Zecchini 7 or 8 years ago for the excavations in Piazza Grande, this is the revenge of the latter on S. Philip! 12/02/2010
this morning I read the article about the nation on the road "Etruscan," I am concerned because I came to visit this online journal where I found the letter complete with the signatures of the speakers . If, as stated in the paper and in this open letter as a young Capannori are concerned about how we spend public money.
In fact I understand that this is not an Etruscan road but a narrow one fiume.Per so I wonder how it was possible to make a mistake so big? how much public money has cost this blunder? I would like a response. Thanks Samantha. 12/02/2010
/ Michelangelo Zecchini
Dear Mr. Paolino,
perhaps you noticed that only three out of forty signatories have to do with archeology. In reality it is a diverse group of people who share a love Lucca and its history (if you imagine two professors of Paris in a war for supremacy on the archeology of Lucca?) And have the right to know whether 'the big one' (as has been called the discovery of an Etruscan road of St. Philip) is real or, rather, is something much more mundane. In the latter case it would have to answer questions from the Lady Samantha Garza: how was it possible, after weeks of excavations and investigations with a scalpel and toothbrush, make a mistake so gross? And how much money was spent? And how many poor people could have been helping with that money? On
Piazza Napoleone I and prof. Massimo Ricci, internationally renowned architect, 10 years waiting in vain for Abela and others are present in a public debate that has been repeatedly invited. 12/02/2010
I gladly signed this letter Prof. Zecchini, competent person and I think that serious because - while it spends public money for works and unnecessary excavations - then deny permissions to do simple tests of excavation certainly lead (this!) the discovery of at least another kilometer of road Frizzoni of sec.aC VI (2004) to go and support the hypothesis that this was the famous "Iron Etruscan road" linking the two seas by Spina in Pisa, cited by the historian of greek Scialice Carianda. This is the paved road outside the city Europe's oldest mica ... peanuts! This speaks volumes about the professionalism of certain "scholars" and sull'accredito that may have on their Superintendent. 12/02/2010
On The Nation today I read that the discovery of S. Philip passed off in headlines as a great Etruscan road is actually a poor secondary branch Auser. News newspapers are all over the world and Lucca with this hoax has been a pretty picture! Fortunately, there are characters in Lucca and scholars who do not make fun of and they tell us the truth. I thank them. What makes me angry is that there are never the serious money to spend and then (even my own, I am a taxpayer) to dig the bed of a river. We want to know how much they have spent. 12/02/2010
I wonder where the general public, Italy Nostra, the political opposition and so on. It
cememtifica St. Philip (without adequate roads) with public money, covering up archaeological discoveries without anybody saying anything. All but
ready to make the champions of the green and legality for the renovation of the stadium with private money .... fuffigni that there will be behind it?
Where are those who are frothing at the mouth for a restoration that does not steal one square meter of public green spaces, why do not they open their mouth in front of these events?
not try to fool me by saying that a hospital has a different weight, the current one is more than enough and with new halls recently completed (oncology etc.) Always paid by us. 12/02/2010
@ prof. Michelangelo Zecchini
Dear prof. Zecchini, which are not clear supporter of anything or anyone.
Noto, by his gentle reply, that you confirm my assumption: the case of war between the two archaeologists the most famous square in Lucca. If the document posted here is signed by 40 people including foreign luminaries also specifically approached, clearly she is the lead author is Dr. Abela and the head of that 'mistake'.
not put your mouth on the merits, because incompetent. Lation, as a citizen, any waste of public money, yes.
public money that seems to have been wasted, however, even in Piazza Grande, where she argued (if I remember correctly) to have discovered an ancient secret tunnel connecting the fortress of Castruccio ('Augusta') that Abela said Superintendent and be just a very recent sewer.

If you will allow, professor, a questo punto....io diffido un po' assai tanto degli archeologi locali, anche se comprendo che da una parte e dall'altra qualche involontario errore ci può stare....
Le grandi scoperte piacciono a tutti....ma non sempre sono a portata di mano....e non dovrebbero essere stimolate con la fantasia.
02-12-2010 / VIOLA
Le scoperte sensazionali suscitano solitamente grande scalpore, cosa che purtroppo non accade con le relative smentite. Succede che ricerche archeologiche di grande interesse scientifico si trovino ad essere brutalmente interrotte per mancanza di fondi...in altri casi ci si prende, invece, il lusso di dilungarsi...
e l'amarezza cresce quando si legge che “è proprio vero che la sostanza di questo mestiere è quella to dig smart people. "
12/02/2010 / ANGELINO
@ Pauline
're not trying to divert attention from the fact that San Filippo, we do not go off topic. Here you are commenting on the story of the Etruscan road fake. E 'useless to talk of the collapse of Pompeii and Piazza Napoleone, on which there are conflicting assessments that have not been clarified because Abela and Ciampoltrini (coincidentally the same road of San Filippo) have rejected the public debate.
In the case of San Filippo On the contrary, the fact is one and indisputable leaders of the excavations, and Ciampoltrini Abela, today announced a sensational archeological discovery, an Etruscan road that is 22 meters wide. In short, the stuff of screaming. Then the same Ciampoltrini revealed that in reality it is a branch river for most of the secondary. In short, a resounding flop. I am interested in the little blunder they have done, I care about is their problem instead of how much money was spent because it is our money. It certainly was not spent for public benefit. 03/12/2010
My father, who was Piedmont, told me the story of the archaeologist who found fragmentary inscription near Turin, and who made a sensational discovery, because it identifies an ancient king : FU KING OF NICHOLAS SUPERGA. Of course, instead it was the cable car system SUPERGA ... 03/12/2010
Perhaps it would be that our beloved Minister of Cultural Heritage Bondi, give a look to the work of its employees. But perhaps it has more to do. 03/12/2010
These archaeologists so good could also be sent to clean the bed of the Serchio, who knows how much material they find themselves, to fill a landfill site and museum. 03/12/2010
I think the common people do not know of any interest and imaginative "wars" between archaeologists on the ground Lucchese (among other things would be unthinkable that in a little French and Canadian interests of those who dig in Lucca, The most one can affect what has been dug !!!).
I remain obscure three points: a) how much time was devoted to this excavation? b) how long is been possible to realize the "small" error? c) Material that has been spent?
And one last question: how is it that in a moment of economic crisis like this, where ordinary people get hurt at the end of the month, are used public money without noticing? From precarious research, which are also available to donate my funds for research of interest, but I start to feel cheated when I realize that I spent to dig a pit! 03/12/2010
Ciampoltrini writes: "the substance of this job is to get digging with smart people." Wow, maybe I got a job! I am also smart and unemployed and I would be a trencher professional, even if they were digging the bed of the Po
I think one of the cornerstones of the profession of the archaeologist, there is also to understand more quickly as possible, what really is beautiful dindi saving to those who pay, then all of us. And ... I'll pay!
03/12/2010 / Thu
I ask an opinion of Big Boss ESTICATZI.
03/12/2010 / LOGAN
But that beauty. 03/12/2010
I state that between me and archeology there is an abyss. I read with interest this article from the grotesque side that attracted more by the cultural side. I was immediately reminded of the joke that made four bold young in Livorno in 1984 with the heads of Modigliani. In that case Livorno guadagnò in pochi giorni fama internazionale e turismo.In questo caso Lucca non ci ha guadagnato nulla, anzi,sono stati sprecati soldi pubblici per nulla. La professionalità è cosa molto rara in questi anni di clientelismi e favoritismi. Ipocrita sarebbe il pensare che tutti i soldi pubblici vengano spesi bene. In questa vicenda basterebbe un poco di chiarezza e di onestà. Se alcune persone hanno fatto spendere soldi pubblici inutilmente devono giustificarsi e ammettere le proprie colpe. L'onestà intellettuale risulta essere l'unica difesa contro l'onestà morale. La moralità è mobile..qual piuma al vento...