Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Old Is Bow Wow 2010

December 4, 2010 - The Gardens of Santa Rosalia is risen

A piece of the city has changed.

It is just 15 m². Sufficient area to hear live and our track button in the heart of the historic center of Palermo. The garden of Santa Rosalia is a flowerbed in the middle of Ballarò, in Gian Luca Barbieri, next to Rosciglione Cannoli Factory, for instance. Rather than create it was enough last Saturday to revive it little by little heaps of garbage (tires, cages for birds, broken mirrors, boxes, unrecognizable objects because in advanced decomposition).
Last summer in this small space, "green" action Albergherilla had already taken place: there had been transplanted a banana, a prickly pear and a cicas. The first continues to grow undisturbed, since staying in presidential suite garden tub about three feet from the level reached by car. We were all thinking, rather, for the survival of cicas, when we decided to take up hoes and rakes to make it breathe and bring a little 'company. In bed rinata sono atterrati, così, quattro pitosfori, un lillà, un tiglio, un fico d’India, diverse piante grasse, una spina santa e una lantana (questi due piombati qui direttamente dal salone di un vicino le cui finestre affacciano sul giardino) e, visto che si avvicina Natale, anche un’ Euphorbia pulcherrima, un punto rosso in mezzo al marrone scuro della terra appena dissodata.
È stata proprio la terra a sorprenderci: sotto i cumuli di munnizza e le erbacce dilaganti, cresceva il sospetto che ne avremmo trovata ben poca. Qualcuno si era anche offerto di portare della terra buona dalla campagna. Non è stato necessario: in mezzo alle zolle fresche di aratura cercavano di mettersi in salvo ciurme di lombrichi, spie della presenza di un humus tutto salutare. 
Per impedire alla parte più esterna del giardino di essere arrotata dall’ennesima macchina in cerca di posteggio si è provveduto a installare un muretto a base di tufo proveniente dal vicino palazzo, la cui unica parete superstite era crollata il mese scorso. Sotto lo sguardo sornione degli operai del cantiere (aperto appena due giorni fa dopo mesi di oblio), una carriola con la ruota bucata ha sopportato diverse andate e ritorni carica di pietre e vecchie mattonelle decorate.
Non ci siamo dimenticati nemmeno della suite che abbiamo provveduto a Thinning and then revive with useful plants and scented, including sage, rosemary and mint. There are only beans for neighbors who want to tap into it to cook a good soup.
There were no musicians, awed by the rain (which we were going to sell), and the schoolchildren, "Nuccio", botanists skilled as us, we'd call to action. But in the last half hour there were those who, thanks to the arrival of Neapolitan songs, launched in the air hoe and spade to launch into a frenzied dance. And among the children of the neighborhood, the little David has done in four planting and digging with devotion, while others have approached to bite into a slice of lemon cake.
Eventually, the well-raked soil, the basins around the plants, the wall in plain view, just missing her. The patron saint of Palermo and all its contradictions: Santa Rosalia. Small but powerful, from Saturday Santuzza stands and watches the whole garden. The only ones who can walk on the lawn are the cats, with the arrival of the evening, gather around her and scurry through the trees to the nose alert.


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